Tired of all those other talk show hosts trying to send your kids to school before the pandemic is over or being mean to their crews? Well, Marc Abbott is probably homeschooling till December and we don’t have a crew to be mean to. We do have a guest. Professional cameraman and uber-nerd Manny Gutierrez joins the team and helps to keep it real. Also, we did a listener request! Loyal friend Earldine Jackson wrote us and asked that we check out ‘Buckaroo Bonzai’ and ‘Doc Savage’, two SCI-FI schlock films we may not have otherwise watched. However, now we get to make jokes about the movies that only Earldine will understand! Because you probably didn’t see them either! Yay! So get your oscillating overthrusters ready and turn up the Cold Slither!
And hey! Wanna be a guest? Got a movie you want us to make fun of? Let us know. We have the technology!